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White Pine County, county seat is Ely, NV. The county was founded in 1869 from Lander County.
County Seat is Ely. In 1878, Vermont resident J. W. Long came to White Pine County and soon set up a camp known as "Ely", after discovering gold. The name "Ely" has been credited to several possible origins: Long's hometown of Ely, Vermont; a New York Congressman with the surname Ely, who sent Long as a representative according to local historians; Smith Ely, a Vermont native who financed one of the city's early mineral operations; and John Ely, an Illinois native who came to Nevada for mining.
County named for heavy growth of pine trees in the area, thought to be white pine.
Population: 8,788
Size: 8,877 sq mi; (22,991 km2)
County Adminstration: 1786 Great Basin Blvd; Ely, NV. Courthouse is too far out. Start will be at C-A-L Ranch; 701 Great Basin Blvd; Ely, NV.
City Hall: 501 Mill St; Ely, NV.
The City of Ely Nevada, located in the heart of the Great Basin, is home to some of the most amazing big game hunting and other outdoor recreational opportunities in the country. Here nestled in the Egan Mountain range at 6,200 ft elevation you will find modern luxuries interspersed with historical treasures like the Northern Nevada Railway. Ely’s vibrant community, stable economy and access to quality healthcare make it a prime destination for vacation or living.
This event is one of 16 for the Nevada County Seat Challenge. This event is a relatively flat 5K/10K event. Event elevation is 6,437 ft AMSL. Please use sunscreen and bring water. Walk starts at the C-A-L Ranch Store; 701 Great Basin Blvd; Ely, NV. Restrooms in the store. Please park in one of the further spots. Thanks. GPS: 39.252877235611756, -114.87450743775673. There are restrooms inside when the store is open, but you should stop on the way in. There are two 5K loops. You may do either or both.
These are small towns in Nevada, and the sidewalks may be few and far between. Please walk where you feel safe to do so, and be aware the town folks probably do not expect to see someone walking on the side of the road.
Information about Ely, Nevada
Information about White Pine County
Informational Websites:
Wikipedia-Ely, Nevada
Wikipedia-White Pine County, Nevada
Please take a 3-minute stroll through our walking memories.
The Saguaro Sun Striders promote the health, physical fitness and well-being of the people of the United States by organizing, promoting, and conducting scheduled programs of non-competitive, family-oriented participatory lifetime sports that encourage lifelong fun, fitness and friendship for all ages and abilities.
"Volksmarching" (non-competitive walking) is the most common type of event and usually consists of a marked or guided 10 kilometer (6.2 mile) route. Each participant is encouraged to walk at a pace that is comfortable and enjoyable. Volksmarch is a German term, literally meaning “a people's walk”. Our walks have been chosen for their natural beauty, scenic interest, historical value and safety. The trails are well marked or maps are provided.